

On October 11-13 in the RDS, we attended Ireland’s largest ever youth summit with the Super Generation: Zeminar.

There were youth groups from all over the country showing their products and services and we were delighted to find ourselves in the Well-being Gym in the Industries Hall.

We had the opportunity to talk to thousands of students and their teachers from schools all over the country, from Donegal to Kerry, and Galway to Malahide. It was great to see so many schools were interested in our well-being and emotional resilience programmes and wanted us to go to their schools.

On day 2 Feidhlim had the pleasure to present in the main hall of Zeminar, giving a flavour of our daily workshop, entitled “Make it Happen: Building Emotional Resilience for Academic Achievement”.

Feidhlim presenting to the main hall of Zeminar on day 2.
Feidhlim presenting to the main hall of Zeminar on day 2.

There were over 1000 people watching Feidhlim do his thing, including Niall Breslin, who was on just after Feidhlim, and who was very impressed with our Ways to Well-being programme.


All of our workshops were packed out, and we were very excited to see so many Youthreach programmes interested in what we had to do. Hopefully we’ll be out to all of them and lots more schools over the coming months.

If you would like to know more about the seminars we provide, click the Seminars link at the top of the page.

Bressie and Feidhlim with our Ways to Well-being programme book.
Bressie and Feidhlim with our Ways to Well-being programme book.